Tuesday, November 17, 2009

December Meeting

Our November 12th meeting was great.  If you missed it ... you missed out!  We discussed the ideas club officers have proposed for the club and then had our first "new" photo critique. (see the previous post).   We did not do our usual "impact scoring" of images - rating each 1st place, 2nd place etc...  Instead each photographer was able to discuss why they liked their image, how they took it and get feedback for how to improve it.  There was a lot of fun and insightful discussion and I thought it went over very well!  We have several educational meetings planned for the new year. 

We still need nominations for 2010 officers - President. Vice President . Secretary. Treasurer

If you have nominations email Mike or Christopher before our next meeting.  Feel free to nominate yourself :)  It's fun to help out and with a strong functioning Board as support it is NOT hard or time consuming to be an officer.   

Our next meeting - and last of the year - will be December 10th

This will be our end of the year party and election of officers.  Club members and spouses invited, please no children.  We'll serve Bajio and deserts - YUM.  There will be info sent by email as the date gets closer.  RSVP will be needed so keep an eye out in your email for more info. 

Happy Thanksgiving and see you all soon!

Message from VP and club officers

 I wanted to post this email message Christopher sent out a couple weeks ago - He did a good job explaining the direction the club is headed.  Obviously the meeting he refers to is past, but the info is still pertinant so keep reading ... - Lisa :) 

Hi everyone!

I am excited to announce that The High desert photography club is about to embark on some great changes that I think everyone will enjoy.

We are having a meeting this next Thursday to discuss the proposed changes and get input from the club members.

The officers of the club and I feel that we have strayed away from what the original plan was in the beginning of the club. To share, to learn and have fun!

Here are just a few of the proposed changes in the club:

-Lower the number of images at critique to one or two

-Have every month be photographers choice at the critique.

-Do not score the images anymore. Instead, have a discussion on what could be helpful with the images. {i.e.. composition, exposure, DOF, Photoshop, etc.} No winners, No losers, just helpful tips on photos.

-We will have the second Thursday of each month be an educational course of some type. We have a short list of ideas already. But, we would love to hear from all of you in what you are interested in.

-We will plan the educational meetings every quarter at a club meeting with everyone’s input.

-Make the website a static page and keep the blog for club updates and posting of critique photos

We will also be taking nominations for new Officers for next year. We will vote at the dec meeting/potluck. If you are interested in serving or know a current member that is, please plan on attending next week.

We are planning on having the main items catered.

Caol Hoffman will be sending out information as to what else to bring. We will be doing a photographers choice critique for November and December

If you have not made it to a meeting lately, PLEASE try to make it next Thursday. We are really excited with the direction of these plans, please show up and let us know if you think the same way.

Let’s build this into the best educational photography club in Idaho!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best regards,

Christopher Balmer

Vice President High Desert photographers.